...mobility that meets the needs of society to move freely, gain access, communicate, trade and establish relationships without sacrificing other essential human or ecological requirements today or in the future (according to World Business Council for Sustainable Development s Mobility Project 2030)

...developed urban areas that create sustainable economic development and high quality of life by excelling in multiple key areas; economy, mobility, environment, people, living, and government. Excelling in these key areas can be done so through strong human capital, social capital, and/or ICT infrastructure.

...brings expertise, experience and applied science together to solve problems. This combination can literally move mountains, build buildings / machines and create the infrastructure for growth. the future of the Carolinas. Education brings together resources that can solve problems and create the jobs of tomorrow. Business leaders, government, education and people with ideas are the resources of innovation.

BMW Group
North American headquarters
8,800 local employees
36 Tier-One suppliers

84,000sf International Technology Research Center
Six research zones

Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research
Award-winning 250-acre advanced automotive
technology research campu (CU-ICAR)

Greenville Technical College Center for Manufacturing Innovation (CMI)
$25M workforce development and research center

Michelin North America
North American headquarters
7,120 local employees
7 SC plants

Advanced Manufacturing Works
GE Power's first advanced manufacturing R&D facility

International Transportation Innovation Center (ITIC)
Test and research facility for connected,
automated, zero-emission mobility

Carolinas Engineering Cluster
Represents major academic institutions, hundreds of companies and thousands of engineers.

Duke Energy
3,000MW nuclear generating capacity
in 10-county Upstate, SC

Development and manufacture of world's
best-performing zero-emission electric buses

Michelin America Research & Development Corp (MARC)
Dedicated tire research, development and testing facility